A step towards a universal basic income (UBI) could provide a much needed lifeline for survivors of domestic abuse who need to secure financial independence.
According to recent research one in five female victims of domestic abuse stated they were unable to leave the relationship as they had no money of their own. Thus, a universal basic income come provide the support individuals need to get them out of domestic abuse relationships sooner. Not only would this basic income support victims leaving relationships but it could also have a significant impact on homelessness. Shelter, a homeless charity, recently found almost half of homeless women state domestic abuse and violence has contributed to their homelessness.
This universal basic income could become a reality soon with Theresa May unveiling plans to protect women under a new Domestic Abuse Bill. This would legally recognise the different forms on non-physical abuse such as economic abuse. Whilst this is a step in the right direction, survivors and domestic abuse organisations have warned it will be undermined if funding to refuges are continually cut and reduced.
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