Threshold Addysg a Hyfforddiant

Threshold Education and Training has been delivering education in the community for over a decade. We believe that community learning empowers people, individually and collectively, to make positive changes in their lives and their communities.

Threshold Education and Training is designated as an awarding centre for Agored Cymru. We provide a range of training opportunities across different subject areas.


What subjects do you deliver?

Threshold Education and Training has numerous courses on its framework.  Our most popular courses from 2022 – 2023 are:-

The accredited training that Threshold offers is credit-based – each qualification is made up of units, and each unit is worth a specific number of credits.

Threshold DAS has designed most of its training courses so that learners can achieve full qualifications at an Award and Extended Award level which are mapped to the Qualification in Wales (QiW) Framework.

Threshold DAS also delivers part qualifications and ‘stand-alone’ vocational courses that enable learners to develop specific knowledge without the commitment of participating in a full qualification.

New courses are added regularly.  Threshold DAS also offers specialist-sector qualifications that are not available through any other providers.



How do you deliver your courses?

The Education and Training Team delivers training in person in the community.

Who delivers your courses?

All of our tutors are qualified teachers – with a minimum of a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) or equivalent.  They have experience in delivering courses in the community and supporting adult learners.

How are you funded?

All our educational opportunities in the community are free and externally funded. Eligibility criteria may apply.



Please contact our Education Engagement Officers if you are interested in any training:-

Melissa Selby (Carmarthenshire and South-West)     

Mobile | 07494866899   

Email |


Louise Daniells (Caerphilly and South-East)               

Mobile |07496 267357

Email |


Or contact us on:-

Office     | 01554 700650 

Email      |

Address  | 12-14 John Street, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, SA15 1UH


Rhannwch y dudalen hon: