Pembrokeshire Domestic Abuse Service (DAS)


Threshold DAS, in partnership with Calan DVS, has collaborated to form the Pembrokeshire Domestic Abuse Service (DAS).

Threshold DAS and Calan DVS are two well-established specialist agencies that have 110+ years of combined experience in supporting victims and survivors of domestic abuse.

Pembrokeshire DAS is committed to empowering service users to exercise agency in their lives and choose/control the support they receive.  The trauma-informed service will be led by the needs and wishes of victims/survivors whilst keeping safety and understanding of risk paramount.

The service will support victims, survivors, and perpetrators (community only) with varying levels of need (including those with higher and more complex needs).

The Pembrokeshire DAS office is based at 8 High Street, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire SA61 2DA. 


We are pleased to be offering: –

Advice, information, guidance, practical and emotional support;

Assessment (needs and risk);

Tailored individual support;

Tailored educational support;

One-to-one support, based on an assessment of needs;

Group work programmes;

Platforms for peer support;

Signposting to appropriate positive activities.


Furthermore, in addition to the aforementioned services, Pembrokeshire DAS, as a partnership, will deliver a wide range of additional specialist DVA support services, programmes and interventions which will further support those accessing our accommodation and community support, these include:

Own My Life/Voice – Female recovery programmes.

Specialist support for children and young people.

Education and training for service users, communities, agencies, and professionals.

Perpetrator programmes.




Cllr Michelle Bateman, Cabinet Member for Housing Operations and Regulatory Services, thanked previous providers Stori Cymru and Pobl for all their work over the last ten years or more and welcomed the new providers of the service.

“We look forward to working with the Pembrokeshire Domestic Abuse Service to achieve the vision of the Mid and West Wales Safeguarding Board that all people in Pembrokeshire and West Wales live their lives free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation, and that their rights are protected,” she said.


To find out more about the service please contact:

Caren Keenan –

Emma Leech –


Rhannwch y dudalen hon: