Cyrsiau Sector Arbenigol


Threshold DAS is committed to the elimination of violence and abuse of women, men, children and young people and those who are perpetrators through effecting political, cultural, and social change.

As such, we offer specialist-sector training to raise awareness of domestic abuse, sexual violence and other forms of violence against women through recognised, accredited training through Agored Cymru.  These qualifications are not available anywhere else.


The units under Threshold’s specialist sector training include:-

Lefel 2 Ymwybyddiaeth o Gam-drin Domestig

Lefel 2 Gweithio gydag unigolion sydd wedi'u heffeithio gan reolaeth drwy orfodaeth

Lefel 2 Gwydnwch ar gyfer Dioddefwyr/Goroeswyr Cam-drin Domestig

Egwyddorion Lefel 2 Dull Gwybodus o Drawma

Lefel 2 Deall effeithiau cam-drin domestig ar unigolion ag anghenion ychwanegol

Lefel 2 Deall effeithiau cam-drin domestig ar blant a phobl ifanc

Lefel 2 Deall Trais yn erbyn Menywod a Merched

Lefel 2 Trais yn erbyn Menywod, Cam-drin Domestig a Thrais Rhywiol (VAWDASV) – Cofnodion ac Adroddiadau

Lefel 2 Deall Stelcian ac Aflonyddu

Lefel 2 Deall sut i gefnogi unigolion sydd wedi profi cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol

Lefel 2 Deall rôl ymarferwyr cam-drin domestig a thrais rhywiol

Lefel 2 Trais yn erbyn Menywod, Cam-drin Domestig a Thrais Rhywiol (VAWDASV) a Lefel 2 Cefnogi Gwasanaethau

Lefel 2 Deall sut i gefnogi unigolion sydd wedi profi cam-drin domestig


Furthermore, Threshold also offers accredited training in:-

Level 2 Understanding Domestic Abuse, Multi-agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) and Risk


For more information on our courses, please email contact us on 01554 700650.

Rhannwch y dudalen hon: