Llên-ladrad, Apeliadau a Chwynion


Threshold DAS is an Agored Cymru Centre which enables us to accredit our learners’ work. We do this through vigorous quality assurance which is overseen by Agored Cymru.

Part of our quality assurance involves our commitment to preventing plagiarism.

Plagiarism is defined as using someone else’s work without giving them proper credit – it may involve using words, ideas, or information from a source without citing it correctly.

When learners undertake a course with Threshold DAS with the intention of accreditation through Agored Cymru, they will be asked to sign a plagiarism statement.

The statement reads as follows:-

The evidence submitted…is my work based on my study and/or research, and I have acknowledged all material and sources used in its production (whether they be books, articles, reports, PowerPoint presentations, websites etc.).  In short, I understand that plagiarism means copying someone else’s work and claiming it as your own and I declare that all the work [submitted for assessment and accreditation] is my own.

Threshold reserves the right to refuse to assess/accredit learner work if evidence of plagiarism is suspected.



The following procedures should be followed if learners wish to appeal against an assessment decision or a complaint against the team.

Stage 1:

Learners should discuss their disagreement with the tutor to try and reach an agreement as soon as it is reasonably possible.

Stage 2:

If the learner is still not satisfied or it is not appropriate to discuss the matter with the Tutor, then you can speak to Tania Perkins, Project Manager (Education) within 28 days on TPerkins@threshold-das.org.uk

Stage 3:

If the candidate is still not satisfied, then the learner can contact Kim Howells, Head of Department (Education) on KHowells@threshold-das.org.uk



Threshold aims to resolve learners’ complaints as quickly and as fairly as possible. The following procedure should be followed if a learner wishes to make a complaint about a member of the Training Team, the environment of the venue or any other topic relating to the course.

Stage 1:

Learners should discuss their disagreement with the Tutor to try and reach an agreement as soon as possible.

Stage 2:

If the learner is still not satisfied or if it is not appropriate to discuss the matter with the Tutor then they can contact Tania Perkins, Project Manager (Education) on TPerkins@threshold-das.org.uk

Stage 3:

If the candidate is still not satisfied then the learner can contact Kim Howells, Head of Department (Education) on KHowells@threshold-das.org.uk

Rhannwch y dudalen hon: