Dim bariau i gyflogaeth

Are you aged 18 and over?

Do you live in the unitary authority of Carmarthenshire?

Would you like support in developing your employability?


‘No Bars to Employment’ is a project that provides opportunities in training and support into employment for people and communities in Wales. This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

Courses are free to individuals who are 18+, living in Carmarthenshire who are unemployed, employed self-employed or on zero-hour contracts.  Individuals currently in receipt of ESA and JSA welcome.

Not only do we offer our most popular courses through the ‘No Bars to Employment’ we offer other courses, from Entry Level 1 – Level 2, such as:-

Lefel 1 Ymwybyddiaeth Amgylcheddol

Gwirfoddoli Lefel 1 ac Ymgysylltu â'r Gymuned

Lefel 1 Hyder Personol

Lefel 1 Iechyd Meddwl a Lles

Lefel 1 Deall Straen

Lefel 1 Datblygu Hyder Personol a Hunanymwybyddiaeth

Lefel 2 Deall Diogelu

Lefel 2 Iechyd Meddwl a Lles

Lefel 2 Deall Straen

Lefel 2 Datblygu Hyder Personol a Hunanymwybyddiaeth

Lefel 2 Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth

Gwirfoddoli Lefel 2 ac Ymgysylltu â'r Gymuned

Lefel 2 Ymwybyddiaeth Amgylcheddol

Gwasanaeth Cwsmeriaid Lefel 2


The above list is not exhaustive.  Threshold Education & Training have over 100 courses on its framework from Entry Level 1 – Level 2.

Mae llawer o'r cyrsiau hyn ar gael trwy ddarparu ystafell ddosbarth, cyflwyno ar-lein neu hunan-astudio gyda chymorth tiwtor.

Mae llawer o'r cyrsiau hyn ar gael ar-lein trwy ein porth dysgu 'Y Bywyd rydych Chi Eisiau'.  Am fwy o wybodaeth am ein cyrsiau ac astudio ar-lein, e-bostiwch Ymholiadau@threshold-das.org.uk neu cysylltwch â ni ar 01554 700650.



Rhannwch y dudalen hon: