Moving 4ward – Powys

Get ahead by getting on with numbers…

‘Moving 4ward’ is a project that provides opportunities for training and support into employment for people and communities in Wales. This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF). 

Do you feel that your maths skills are a barrier to a job or career you would like to pursue? 

‘Moving 4ward’ is a new project to support individuals in developing their maths skills – around one in five adults in the UK lack numeracy skills, without which they find it difficult to budget; they feel stressed and insecure about money regardless of their income, and they struggle to overcome barriers to progression in work.


The project will offer its training courses as part of the following qualifications:-

Level 1-2 Award in Essential Skills for Work and Life

Level 1-3 Award in Skills for Further Study

Level 1-3 Essential Application of Number


Courses are free to individuals who are 18+, living in Powys who are unemployed, employed, self-employed or on zero-hour contracts. Individuals currently in receipt of ESA and JSA are welcome.

Courses can be undertaken via classroom delivery, online delivery or self-study (with tutor support) through our ‘The Life You Want’ learning portal. Training and project activities are available face-to-face and/or online*. Eligibility criteria apply – open to residents in the unitary authority of Powys. (*Subject to participant numbers)

Interested? Please contact Hannah at

Download the flyer here



Ewch ymlaen trwy fwrw ymlaen â rhifau…

Mae’r Prosiect ‘Moving 4ward’ yn brosiect sy’n darparu cyfleoedd mewn hyfforddiant a chefnogaeth ar gyfer cyflogaeth i bobl a chymunedau yng Nghymru. Ariennir y prosiect hwn gan Lywodraeth y DU drwy Gronfa Ffyniant Gyffredin y DU (UKSPF).

Ydych chi’n teimlo bod eich sgiliau mathemateg yn rhwystr i swydd neu yrfa yr hoffech ei dilyn?

Mae ‘Moving 4ward’ yn brosiect newydd i gefnogi unigolion i ddatblygu eu sgiliau mathemateg – mae tua un o bob pump o oedolion yn y DU heb sgiliau rhifedd, a hebddynt maent yn ei chael hi’n anodd cyllidebu; maent yn teimlo dan straen ac yn ansicr ynghylch arian gwaeth beth fo’u hincwm, ac maent yn cael trafferth goresgyn rhwystrau i gamu ymlaen mewn gwaith.

Bydd y prosiect yn cynnig ei gyrsiau hyfforddi fel rhan o’r cymwysterau canlynol:-

Lefel 1-2 Dyfarniad mewn Sgiliau Hanfodol ar gyfer Gwaith a Bywyd
Lefel 1-3 Dyfarniad mewn Sgiliau ar gyfer Astudio Pellach
Lefel 1-3 Cymhwyso Rhif yn Hanfodol


Mae cyrsiau am ddim i unigolion 18+, sy’n byw ym Mhowys sy’n ddi-waith, yn gyflogedig, yn hunangyflogedig neu ar gontractau dim oriau. Mae croeso i unigolion sy’n derbyn LCC a LCG ar hyn o bryd.

Gellir dilyn cyrsiau trwy gyflwyno ystafell ddosbarth, cyflwyno ar-lein neu hunan-astudio (gyda chymorth tiwtor) trwy ein porth dysgu ‘The Life You Want’. Mae hyfforddiant a gweithgareddau prosiect ar gael wyneb yn wyneb a/neu ar-lein*. Mae meini prawf cymhwysedd yn berthnasol – yn agored i drigolion yn awdurdod unedol Powys. (*Yn amodol ar nifer y cyfranogwyr)

Diddordeb? Cysylltwch â Hannah ar

Lawrlwythwch y daflen yma



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