The Recovery Toolkit

This is a 12 week course which aims to assist and equip women with the knowledge needed to recover from the effects of domestic abuse.

The Recovery Toolkit is a useful follow on from the Freedom Programme.

For women who have experienced and/or are recovering from domestic abuse, the content of the course evolves each week to help you develop coping strategies and grow stronger.

What are its Aims?

  • To positively change an abused individual’s thinking, how you perceive yourself (self-esteem and self-image)
  • To encourage the development of strategies to help you cope with emotional pain
  • To recognise the effects of abuse on children, encouraging you to develop positive parenting skills
  • To positively change how you interact with others
  • To set individual goals and action planning
  • To give women the knowledge needed to enable them to move forward in their lives and develop healthy relationships

Please contact for further information.

Topics include:

  • What is abuse?
  • Coping and the consequences on our psychological wellbeing
  • The effects of abuse on children and on parenting skills
  • Self-esteem and affirmations and the power of positive self-talk
  • Anger, conflict and assertiveness
  • Boundaries and trust
  • Making mistakes
  • Setting goals
  • Healthy relationships