Owen’s Story

Owen’s Story


Owen self-referred to the programme due to struggling with domestic abuse in his relationship with his wife. Right from the start, Owen was open and honest about getting physical with his wife during arguments including hitting and slapping her.

Owen seemed to get a lot from the individual, one-on-one work we did together and he seemed to genuinely want to change his behaviour. Since starting the programme, he consistently attended and often calls one of the facilitators to talk about his progress and any issues he was facing.

During the programme Owen’s relationship with his wide broke down which upset him deeply, but thanks to the work he had been doing on the programme Owen stated that even during difficult arguments when he felt very angry he never used violence once.

Towards the end of the programme, Owen and his wife starting to work on their relationship again, partly due to the change in his behaviour. Since this time Owen’s wife has started working with the Women’s Safety Officer and Owen has continued on the Choice’s programme stating regardless of the outcome of this relationship with this wife, he no longer sees violence or aggression as an option of dealing with it anymore.


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