After enduring 30 years of domestic abuse, wife contacts Women’s Aid

A man has been sentenced to jail after his wife came forward to a local Women’s Aid branch to speak about the 30 years of domestic abuse she had suffered. During these 30 years. the woman in question suffered:

  • Hosed down with cold water whilst standing in an out building
  • Forced into the boot of a car
  • Her head was stood on, resulting in black eyes.
  • Hit with a plastic pipe
  • Having to carry about a ‘mistake book’ to write in the things she did wrong
  • Having her day planned for her in 15-minute intervals

The man in question, Robert Simmons, has admitted to 11 charges of physical and verbal abuse and has been sentenced to two years and eight months.


For the full article click here!


If you are suffering domestic abuse, then please contact the National Domestic Abuse Helpline (08088010800) or visit your local Women’s Aid.

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